Understanding and Setting Boundaries: The Key to Healthy Relationships

A boundary is a guideline or limit that an individual sets to define acceptable and unacceptable behavior in their interactions with others. Boundaries help to protect an individual's physical, emotional, and mental well-being by establishing clear expectations and rules for how others can treat them. They are important for self-respect and healthy relationships. Setting boundaries involves communicating one's needs and limits assertively and respectfully, and it requires self-awareness and the ability to advocate for oneself. Boundaries also communicate preferences and values to others.

The foundation of boundaries are identifying values and needs. In a supportive environment, clients explore their feelings and experiences, helping them gain clarity on their boundaries. Through targeted exercises and discussions, I coach developing assertive communication skills to express their boundaries effectively. Additionally, I offer strategies for maintaining boundaries, dealing with pushback, and adjusting boundaries as circumstances change. Setting boundaries is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, communication, and respect. It's okay to prioritize your needs and set limits that help you thrive. My goal is to empower clients to establish boundaries that respect themselves and others.

Types of Relationship Boundaries

Emotional Boundaries: Regulating how much you share about your feelings and who you share them with.

Physical Boundaries: Defining personal space and comfort levels with touch and proximity.

Intellectual Boundaries: Respecting differences in opinions, ideas, and beliefs.

Time Boundaries: Managing how you allocate your time and ensuring you have time for self-care.

Energy Boundaries: Protecting your energy by limiting interactions that drain you.

Sexual Boundaries: Communicating your comfort level with sexual activities and respecting others' boundaries.

Financial Boundaries: Setting limits on spending, lending, or borrowing money.

Work Boundaries: Defining limits around work hours, responsibilities, and interactions with colleagues.

Digital Boundaries: Managing your privacy and engagement on social media and online platforms.

Social Boundaries: Choosing who you spend time with and setting limits on social interactions.

Material Boundaries: Setting limits on sharing or borrowing personal belongings.

Spiritual Boundaries: Respecting individual beliefs and practices in spiritual or religious contexts.

"Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others." -Brené Brown

Examples of Good Boundaries

1. Saying no to extra work when you're already overwhelmed.

2. Asking for personal space when you need time alone.

3. Declaring a specific time for self-care activities, like meditation or exercise.

4. Limiting the amount of time spent on social media or phone calls.

5. Choosing not to discuss certain topics that make you uncomfortable.

6. Requesting that people knock before entering your room or office.

7. Not answering work emails or calls outside of work hours.

8. Politely declining invitations when you need rest or have other commitments.

9. Setting a budget for personal spending to avoid financial stress.

10. Communicating your need for punctuality in personal and professional meetings.

11. Asking for help when you're overwhelmed instead of struggling alone.

12. Respecting your own dietary preferences when dining with others.

13. Declining physical touch from others if it makes you uncomfortable.

14. Expressing your feelings when someone's actions hurt you.

15. Limiting exposure to negative news or distressing content for mental well-being.

16. Creating a private space at home where you can retreat and relax.

17. Avoiding gossip and negative conversations that don't align with your values.

18. Setting a schedule for household chores and responsibilities.

19. Asking for clarification in conversations to avoid misunderstandings.

20. Defining your relationship needs and expectations with a partner.



"Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

"Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself" by Nedra Glover Tawwab

"Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself" by Melody Beattie


The National Domestic Violence Hotline Provides support for those in abusive relationships where boundaries are often violated.

Psychology Today Offers articles and resources on setting and maintaining boundaries.

Lindy LaDow
January 11th, 2024